Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Home safe and sound

I spent the last days in Cape Town looking at various colonies of animals.

There was;

  • The seal colony

    Packed with genuine un-clubbed seals

  • The penguin colony

    Wearing their nice little tuxedos as all good penguins should

  • and of course the township of black people.

The township tour was very interesting. I felt perfectly safe walking through the so called "no go" areas. They were very keen for the tour not to appear like a game drive, where people would drive through and take snapshots of the locals from their windows. So unfortunately all I got were shots of these buildings.

Apartheid may be over but these people still live in the same shitty cramped houses. Though a few of them are richer now. I drove past a shanty town and peered in the doors to see DVD players and plasma screen TVs.

This was Cape Town. Apparently in Jo'burg there was a shoot out in an area where the tour goes. I wouldn't have done the same tour in Jo'burg.

We also saw a whale on the first tour. I could tell it was a whale because someone said, "hey look over there it's a whale". At first I thought it was a rock, but a small spray of water confirmed it was a whale. It's great to capture them on film in the wild. Check out this photo, wow hey, I should work for National Geographic.

I then endured a flight to Perth for 9.5 hours then endured Perth itself for 8 hours. It's a funny old town Perth, during the day I struggled to keep awake. By night time I feared for my life. I just thank my lucky stars I didn't look at Ben Cousins, or some other local hooligan, the wrong way.

Overall the tour was a lot of fun. I saw lots of interesting places, people and animals. I guess my only regret is that I never found out if Mark Philipoussis found true love with a kitten or a cougar.

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